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my arts

a vast range of old & new media.


I like to bring magic and whimsy into everything I do & focus on what comes from within ~ that is what inspires me.

Being who you are, unapologetically, takes time, patience, love, discipline, & desire. We have to create our own magical world to protect ourselves & allow us each to flourish no matter what surrounds us. Our growth is our own, immeasurable; something nobody can do for you, or take from you. We are wonderful, whimsical, beings ~ a culmination of *ALL* we have seen, heard, felt, done, come in contact with; experiences & people alike. We absorb everything around us. I believe in reflecting the goodness, showing our hearts by whatever means comes naturally to each of us & sharing that as often as possible.

Everyone deserves to know how good they are.

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~ traditional ~

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~ digital ~

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~ professional ~

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~ 3D & sculpture ~

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"If you share your happiness with others, it will give you both an even happier happiness."

~Glitter Lucky

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for various kinds of artwork including drawings, murals, & more.

I take all sorts of commission & freelance work; drawings, black & white/color portraits, murals, bullet journal layouts, concept & design work, handmade cards, paintings, etc.
If you have a project that could use a magic touch, I am always willing to hear out any proposal.

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*。design services。*​

for logo design, branding, marketing, & more.

I offer many types of design services, from logos to t-shirts to tattoos. I am versatile in medium & content; I like to work on all kinds of different projects.
Feel free to contact me w/ any project ideas you have!

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♡*tattoo design*♡

unique designs based on the vision you share with me.

I love working on tattoo designs with clients. I have vast knowledge & understanding when it comes to anatomy, perfect placement, flow & composition. Big or small; complicated, detailed, or simple; I am confident in bringing your vision to life.

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you can also check out & purchase my pattern designs on Spoonflower!

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